LEARNING CENTER »Recommended Links - Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds.netWonderful, detailed information and breath-taking photos and videos are presented in an interesting, well-written format.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has an amazing website. It's detailed descriptions of the tiny, elusive hummingbird are highly informative and well-organized.
Bird Watcher's presents detailed information on a variety of hummingbirds.
A wealth of information about the tiny birds can be found on this comprehensive website.
This highly informative website is concerned with providing information about hummingbirds and ways to protect the tiny birds.
Beautiful photographs and very detailed information abound in this comprehensive website on hummingbirds.
This educational site of the San Diego Zoo contains both close-up pictures and well-written, detailed information on hummingbirds - includes fun activities for kids to help them learn about the tiny birds.
Banding activities are described in this informative site which also gives detailed descriptions for several hummingbirds that migrate through North Carolina.
The National Audubon Society discusses the importance of hummingbirds and several ways to help protect these little birds in your backyard and around the world.
This informative site gives the hummingbird enthusiast a wealth of Information about the 18 species of hummingbirds found in Arizona.
This "ultimate resource center" is filled with an abundant variety of information about hummingbirds including feeding them, making their food, working on projects for them, and so much more. is the top destination to find quality Wild Bird Feeders and Accessories. Perky-Pet® and K-Feeders wild bird products are trusted brands to bird lovers everywhere. Interact with nature, relax and build memories that last a lifetime by conveniently ordering from Happy Bird Feeding!