With Thanksgiving just a few days away, you’re probably planning what side dishes to serve with the turkey for your holiday meal. So while you’re planning what to dish up for your family and friends this holiday season, you should be planning what to feed your feathered friends for this time of year as well!
Rolling Out the Holiday Spread
Now that the cooler weather is upon us, the birds that have been visiting your yard during the spring and summer are in need of nutritious food more than ever. As winter arrives, food sources become scarcer and birds will be searching from dawn until dusk for food to stock up on. They need to maintain a 108 degree Fahrenheit body temperature, and this requires that they consume quite a few calories.
Most birds will opt for higher energy food as temperatures dip. The additional energy boost allows birds to generate more body heat to keep warm. High fat treats such as suet and peanut butter are especially beneficial and will attract a wide variety of birds to your yard. Winter is a great time to add a suet feeder to your yard since the fatty treat will last longer in cool weather. You can also opt for adding a feeder that can serve both suet and black-oil sunflower seed at the same time. By providing both of these foods at once, you can be certain your feathered friends will have plenty of energy to survive the winter.

Suet can be expensive if you have a lot of backyard birds, but there are less expensive options that can also turn into a fun family craft. A decorative and simple option is to make your own natural feeder using pine cones, peanut butter, and seed. Simply gather pine cones from your yard, tie a ribbon around the top, spread a generous clump of smooth peanut butter all over, and roll the pine cone in bird seed. By hanging these natural feeders on the pine trees in your yard, they will double as homemade outdoor ornaments that you and the birds can both enjoy!
As you spend your holidays enjoying delicious food with your family and friends, be sure the birds continue to think of your yard as the best stop in town for a tasty meal! Tell us how you’re helping your backyard birds this winter and share your pictures the next time you visit our Facebook page. Also, be sure to sign up for our e-newsletter and be the first to know about exclusive offers and new products, plus get more great bird feeding advice delivered right to your inbox.