Winter is hanging tough in much of North America - the cold temperatures are stagnant, the wind continues to whip, and the snow is still flurrying. As we bundle up daily in heavy coats, hats, and mittens, it might be the time to stop and ask ourselves - "What about the birds?"
Why Do We Celebrate National Bird Feeding Month?
Consider that the average wild bird weighs less than two nickels and you’ll realize that the winter can be a very punishing time for your backyard friends. Aware that February is one of the toughest months for birds, John Porter, Illinois’ 10th District Congressman, wanted to do something to help birds survive by bringing awareness to bird feeding and bird watching as a hobby. Which is why, in 1994, Porter read a resolution that February would become National Bird Feeding Month. During this month, people who live in cold areas with limited natural resources are encouraged to provide sources of food, water, and shelter for wild birds.
Read a portion of Congressman John Porter's resolution below:
"Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize February, one of the most difficult months in the United States for wild birds, as National Bird Feeding Month. During this month, individuals are encouraged to provide food, water, and shelter to help wild birds survive. This assistance benefits the environment by supplementing wild bird's natural diet of weed seeds and insects. Currently, one third of the U.S. adult population feeds wild birds in their backyards.
In addition, Mr. Speaker, backyard bird feeding is an entertaining, educational, and inexpensive pastime enjoyed by children and adults. Bird feeding provides a needed break from today's frantic lifestyles. Adults enjoy the relaxation and peacefulness afforded by watching birds -- nature serves to relieve the stress and can get one's day going on a tranquil note."
Why Should You Celebrate?
According to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service survey results, bird feeding has become one of the most popular hobbies among Americans - about 59 million people to be more precise! Bird feeding is an important hobby in that it supplies birds with food, water, and shelter and provides additional benefits to the environment. Plus, bird feeding is such an easy and inexpensive hobby to start. A simple bird feeder and a bag of seed, and you are ready to begin. However, for most people, interest grows as they learn about and become more familiar with different birds in their area.

Best Ways to Participate
- Buy a feeder – Whether it’s your first bird feeder or a another to add to your collection, a new bird feeder will be a welcome sight to your feathered friends. Perky-Pet® has tons of options, ranging from window feeders and tube feeders to squirrel-resistant feeders and more.
- Add a water source – Water is just as important as food for birds. And unfortunately, many natural water sources are frozen in February. You can provide them with water via a waterer (just be sure to change it regularly or bring it in at night to prevent freezing). Or you can add a heater to a birdbath or fountain. As a bonus your new water source will attract more birds to your yard!
- Provide shelter – There are many ways to add shelter to your yard. For birds that nest in cavities, a bird house is a great choice. For other birds, it can be as simple as ensuring there is evergreen trees and shrubs nearby. Evergreens keep their foliage year-round, so birds always have a place to shelter.
- Participate in a bird count – Every February, the National Audubon Society hosts the Great Backyard Bird Count to celebrate National Bird Feeding Month. Birders worldwide participate in this citizen science project to help gather important data on bird populations. It’s free to participate and can be done from anywhere!
- Learn about your visitors – One of the best ways to help the birds in your backyard is by learning more about them. Get to know which species spend time in your yard by perusing our Wild Bird Library. Once you’ve identified your resident species, you can tailor your food and feeder styles to their preferences.
At Perky-Pet®, we continue to support bird feeding during National Bird Feeding Month and throughout the entire year with our hummingbird and wild bird feeders. Want to join in on the fun? Share your pictures, stories, and advice with us on Facebook or our Birding Community. You can also subscribe to our e-newsletter to stay up to date with our birding advice, new products, and exclusive offers. Now get going and feed those birds!