Reviews for Perky-Pet® Farmhouse Wild Bird Feeder
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Poor design.
Jan 10, 2022
Poor design. Water seeps in, freezes,will not drain from bottom tray. Perches do not stay down for birds to sit.
Response from Admin
Jan 11, 2022
We are so sorry to hear about this and appreciate your feedback. It is good to know that this feeder is covered under a 30-day return policy. Please contact us at 855-737-5973 for assistance.
- Rachel
Love this birdfeeder!
Aug 14, 2021
Purchased this feeder last week. We put it outside the window of our dining area so we could watch the birds enjoy the feeder. Love it! One aspect that was attractive for us is the all-white paint. As artists it allows us to easily add decorative touches against the white "canvas." Holds a lot of seed.
Very good product and worth for the money
Mar 27, 2021
very beautiful and convenient even for bigger birds like bluejay, black bird, etc. Nice and strong!
Stylish feeder. A chickadee favorite.
Feb 24, 2021
Very attractive feeder. We have this one right by our front porch and it complements the farmhouse style perfectly! I was a little worried about the small overhang, but the exposed seeds seem to stay pretty dry when it rains. This feeder has become a favorite for the chickadees.
We love the farmhouse feeder
Jan 28, 2021
This white farmhouse feeder is a nice addition to my feeders. I use several types of feeders as well as ground trays. After years of trial and error, I now only buy sunflower seed and cracked corn. While on a limited income, I go all out in the cold months to ensure the survival of my feathered friends. I have backup feeders so I can rotate them, allowing me enough time to clean each one within a 2 week period. This feeder was a magnet for my chickadees and finches... they flew right to it like a long lost friend. And yes, this type of feeder allows several birds to eat at once. A comment or two on the other reviews. I cannot think of any feeder that I have seen or owned that has a roof large enough to keep the birds and seed dry, especially with driving rain sideways! Same goes for the ice storm we had a few days ago. When that happens, I dump the seed in my trays and bring the feeders in to be cleaned, or I take a dry rag and dry the bottom areas if no rain got inside the feeder. I would love to build a shelter that would keep all of my feeders dry, but that may just be a dream. Until then, it's necessary maintenance, like shop vac-ing the ground. I also keep an electric dog water bowl outside with stones inside, which serves birds and critters alike. I believe everyone has their own idea of what is best; I'm just glad that a lot of birds are getting food and water, some of which would not otherwise survive the winter.
Super cute
Jan 23, 2021
I bought this feeder as I got tired of paying for socks for the finches. Within one hour, they found this feeder and had a blast. It's pretty and holds a lot. The little chimney is a cute touch, and I may have to get a second one soon.
This Feeder Saved My Bird Feeding Hobby
Dec 6, 2020
I love this feeder so much that within two days of setting up my first one, I bought another. I had so many large birds and squirrels feeding on my larger wooden (with a baffle) and metal feeders that I was filling two large feeders every other day and soon I found that I couldn't afford seed to keep them filled. Squirrels have been a real problem for me with larger feeders but these feeders are, so far, squirrel proof, without a baffle, against the fox squirrels in my area. I think it is the smaller size and seed capacity and the way it hangs that does the trick. When the squirrels try to get on it from the crossbar on my deck, it tilts too much for them to manage it. A very small quantity of seed spills sometimes, but now they have quit trying and so my bird feeding pleasure is unmarred and affordable. The feeder also doesn't allow the massive number of starlings in my area to feed for the same reasons that it discourages squirrels. It is plenty stable for smaller birds and is loved by the song sparrows, gold finches, wrens, cardinals, and nuthatches both white-breasted and red-breasted. The smaller seed capacity and large number of birds that feed from them, ( I fill them every three or four days) plus the fact that the windows are covered by clear plastic, keeps the feed fresh even in inclement weather, so the mold mentioned by other reviewers has not been a problem for me. Add the very cute farmhouse look, the study construction and the very durable and clean looking white finish and for me this is a perfect feeder. Thanks so much Perky Pet!
Jan 30, 2020
I love this feeder easy to clean
Poor roof size for the Farmhouse Feeder
Oct 26, 2019
When I bought the P-P Farmhouse Bird Feeder I was quite impressed, easy to fill, easy to clean. Things were good, then winter set in and it snowed. Sadly the roof on the Farmhouse is not big enough to keep the snow from building up over the seed and making it impossible for the birds to get any seed. I think a larger sized roof would make a real difference in keeping the snow out. I have modified my own.
a thank you and some bird thoughts....
Feb 11, 2019
Thank you for being forthright in sharing feedback about your products. I keep 6 very different feeders (with a wide variety of foods) out year round and would like to respond to two comments and thoughts. YES, having a broader 'roof' / cover is really important; it provides better cover for the weather (protecting yes the birds but more importantly the seed as dumping and/or dying wet seed is a must as mold develops quickly and often invisibly) and for providing some visual distraction for the hawks. I respect our predatory birds but don't like providing a easy buffet either! Further, for readers who are concerned about year round feeding I suggest consultining reliable bird journals (like Backyard Birds). Feeding year round does not negatively affect bird nutrition nor behaviors; rather, it supports bird survival in places where natural environments are negatively affected by many human activities unfriendly to the birds (including but not limited to the planting of rather bird useless plants) that don't support a variety of indigenous species' survival. Places where good nutrition is CONSISTENTLY available provide healthy offspring who help to 'rebird' our communities. I emphasize the consistency aspect as it really affects (among many aspects) the variety of birds that will travel to visit your location as well! Happy birding!