Perky-Pet® Squirrel Stumper® Bird Feeder, LIfestyle 1

Reviews for Perky-Pet® Squirrel Stumper® Bird Feeder

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Squirrels hang upside down and ...
Sep 13, 2023
Squirrels hang upside down and eat out of bottom tray which is directly supplied by the lowest row of feeding perches. They also swing the feeder and dump seed on the ground. The lid is squirrel and human resistant but the feeder is not even challenging for the squirrels.
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Response from Admin
Sep 20, 2023
Thank you for sharing this feedback. The lid of this feeder is designed to prevent squirrels from opening it and gaining access to the seed. The wire mesh is intended to prevent damage to the feeder from chewing. Your concerns have been shared with our Product Managers for review.
I have used several of ...
Apr 30, 2022
I have used several of the perky pet feeders. The Stumper is good in theory but doesnt work. Squirrels are smart. Also another problem is that the two piece tube wont stay together or in place after being in the sun. It cracks very quickly which allows it it slip.
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Response from Admin
May 6, 2022
Thank you for taking the time to share this feedback. We apologize for this recent experience with this feeder. These comments and concerns have been shared with our Product Manager for review. Our feeders are covered under a one year replacement policy. Reach out to us directly for assistance. Lauren
I've bought 4 of these ...
Feb 27, 2022
I've bought 4 of these feeders. I find them easy to disasemble and clean. But the plastic feeder tubs are of low quality and do not hold up to UV sunlight, causing them to become fragile and break. I have searched your website in vain looking for replacements. PLEASE make them available so I no longer need to fabricate my own from PVC pipe.
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Response from Admin
Mar 1, 2022
Thank you for sharing this experience. We appreciate this feedback and have shared these comments and concerns with our Product Managers for review. The feeder has a one year replacement policy. Reach out to us directly for assistance. Lauren
Does not stop squirrels
Sep 10, 2021
Got this a lt HomeDepot and now have video proof that squirrels can still get through. If the only claim for squirrels not being able to access the bird feed is that they can’t untwist the lid on top lol yeah that may be true but they have pretty agile arms that more than easily can reach into the holes in the feeding stations. Total bust if you have a ton of squirrels in your area. Do not recommend
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Response from Admin
Sep 15, 2021
We're sorry to hear about those pesky squirrels! Try and hang your feeder at least twelve feet from any tree trunk or limb and at least four feet up from the ground. This will prevent squirrels from either jumping from the tree or up from the ground onto the feeder. The feeder is covered under a 30-day return policy and a 1-year replacement policy. Please contact us at 855-737-5973 for assistance.
Popular with squirrels
Jun 29, 2021
Squirrels have no difficulty at all in using it.
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Woodstream (Admin)
Jun 29, 2021
We're sorry to hear the squirrels were still able to get a free meal! We recommend hanging feeders at least 4 ft off the ground and 8 ft away from launching points to help deter them from feeders. Please give us a call at 855-737-5973 for assistance or with any questions, we're happy to help. - Kathryn
Didn't stop the squirrels, just the birds.
Mar 9, 2021
This feeder is sturdy and attractive. However, it didn't baffle the squirrels who ate with gusto from the bottom tray and reached with their paws into the seed openings. What it did baffle was the birds, who chose not to learn how to eat from the stations which are more distant than their usual. We replaced these with the weight-triggered outer cage feeders which do stop the squirrels for the most part.
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Woodstream (Admin)
Mar 9, 2021
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience! We're sorry to hear the birds were deterred but the squirrels were not! We recommend placing even squirrel resistant feeders at least 4 ft off the ground and 8 ft away from lauching points like fences and trees. Please reach out to us at 855-737-5973 with any questions, wer're happy to help!
complicated top filler cap assembly, has anybody tried it?
Feb 26, 2021
just purchased your #114 bird feeder a couple of things that should be changed the top is hard to get on and off the slots at the side don't work very well, they need to be bigger the hanging arm loops that attach are bent the wrong way they interfere with the removing of the top. i removed the hanging arm and bent the loops outward now its much better to remove.
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Woodstream (Admin)
Feb 26, 2021
We appreciate you taking the time to share this feedback with us and will be sure to pass along these comments to the Product Manager for further review. We are only ever looking to improve upon our feeders, which is why your feedback is so critical. Please contact us at 855-737-5973 with any questions. 
Very flimsy metal lid
Jan 11, 2021
Very poorly constructed. The biggest disappointment is the lid. The metal is so thin that it bends when I open the lid. I've only filled it once so far. I estimate that the lid won't be intact after 2 more fillings. I've had numerous other Perky Pet feeders over the years and they have lasted several seasons despite various "incidents." Not this feeder... very flimsy.
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Woodstream (Admin)
Jan 11, 2021
We are sorry to hear about this and appreciate your feedback! Your comments have been shared with the Product Manager. We are only ever looking to improve upon our feeders, which is why your feedback is so critical. It is good to know that this feeder is backed by a 30 day return policy and 1 year replacement policy. Please contact us at 855-737-5973 for assistance. 
Works for me
Oct 6, 2020
We don't have squirrels, but we do get rats and they don't get to this one either. I like this feeder because it appears that even though there's a lot a debris that falls, the seed seems to last longer than I expected. Is there a seed feeder that doesn't spill anything?
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great feeder
Oct 2, 2020
Sorry to see the negative reports on this feeder - I have been very pleased - we have hoards of squirrels but they must not be as smart as the others I was reading about in the reviews - they haven't accessed my feeder. Great price - thank you for that!!
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