Reviews for Squirrel-X LX1 Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder with Spring-Loaded Perches - 4.2 lb
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Really squirrel proof!
Oct 2, 2022
This is the first squirrel proof feeder I have purchased that really works. Additionally, the top two feeder perches are filled independently from the bottom ones enabling seed to be available instead of all seed dropping down to the bottom of the feeder. Three different seed mixes can also be used.
I did find removing the top to fill it to be a little difficult, especially initially as the top has to be removed to get at the instructions on how to remove the top.
Overall, this is an attractive feeder that works well and holds a good amount of seed.
Birds love it. Squirrels not so much.
Oct 2, 2022
I love the bird feeder and so do the birds.
Squirrels can no longer get to the seeds.
Oct 2, 2022
I love this feeder. It has been up for about three months and I am no longer refilling it every other day. It is well made ad certainly well worth the cost.
I also bought the squirrel guard which is very well made and I am sure it will last longer than the less expensive ones. I am sure the squirrel guard has helped, but the combination has fixed our problem.
Happy Birds
Oct 2, 2022
Love the feeder as do the birds and it appears to be keeping those pesky squirrels from getting the seeds. This will save so much for me on birdseed. Thanks for making such good products for us bird lovers!
New feeder
Oct 2, 2022
I like it that it’s much lighter weight than my old feeder, but I don’t get as many birds since there are only four feeding stations
Love it!!
Oct 2, 2022
I love feeding birds and dislike when squirrels take food. This keeps the squirrels out and birds get all the seeds. Great product!!
Keeps squirrels off!
Oct 2, 2022
This feeder really deters squirrels. It is well made and attractive. Having the perches on each side allows you to see all birds feeding instead of having some hidden on perches in the back of the feeder. The upper two seed hoppers also fill independently from the bottom one so they retain seed versus having all seed fall to just the bottom perches as the birds eat.
The top is a little difficult to remove to fill the feeder. It did not help that the instructions on how to remove the top were inside the feeder with the top closed.
The birds love this feeder
Oct 2, 2022
It took a little time to get used to the 3 chambers, but it is a smart design. Birds are all over the feeder. Thank you.
Squirrel-X™ LX1 Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder with Spring-Loaded Perches
Oct 2, 2022
Lovely feeder! I have happy birds.
Stay away
Oct 2, 2022
Top is funky to get open but overall is an excellent bird feeder