How to Repel & Remove Squirrels
If you've never tried squirrel repellents or traps, then it may be the right time to give them a try. Our sister brands offer a variety of solutions to help you remove squirrels from the vicinity and keep them from returning. These natural and humane solutions are a great way to prevent squirrels from taking over your bird feeders.
Drive Squirrels Away
A squirrel repellent is an efficient way to create squirrel-resistance areas surrounding your bird feeder. Critter Ridder® is a pepper based, OMRI Listed® animal deterrent available in both liquid and granular applications. This dual-action formula repels squirrels and other nuisance animals by scent and taste. One application of Critter Ridder® lasts up to 30 days, helping you to create squirrel-resistant areas around your feeders.
For long-term squirrel-repelling power, try the Critter Ridder® Motion-Activated Repellent. Convenient, easy to use, and harmless to animals and pets, this repellent device releases a startling burst of water to scare squirrels, training them to stay away from the area.

Take Squirrels Away
Another option in the battle against squirrels is to humanely trap and remove them from your property. Havahart® also offers several squirrel- and chipmunk-sized traps that you can set near your feeders. Once you successfully capture one, cover the trap with a blanket, transport it to the appropriate setting away from your property and release it.
These squirrel repellents and traps along with your other efforts can really make a difference in the battle to keep your feeders a birds-only affair!
Stop Squirrels from Getting to the Feeder
Physically stopping squirrels from reaching your feeders is another option to add to your squirrel-resistance arsenal. There are many feeders designed with squirrel-resistant components. You can also try adding squirrel baffles and pole mounts to your feeders, feeder poles, and hanging lines.
Baffles & Pole Mounts
A squirrel baffle is a device used to prevent squirrels from accessing your bird feeders. Baffles typically have a slick surface that gives the squirrel nothing to cling to while advancing toward a feeder. If it tries to climb on the baffle, the squirrel loses its grip and slides off. Baffles can be placed on the hanging line above your feeder or below your feeder on the mounting pole.
- Dome-shaped squirrel baffles have a rounded shape and can be used on hanging bird feeders or pole mounted bird feeders. Squirrels will not be able to access the feeder at all because when they land on the baffle it will tip and the squirrel will fall to the ground.
- There are also cone-shaped baffles. They feature an upside-down funnel shape and can be placed on hanging bird feeders or pole mounted bird feeders.
- Flat, platform baffles are not recommended because of the flat shape. A squirrel has a better chance of being able to hold onto this type of baffle.
- Pole guards are a great option to prevent squirrels from gaining access to your bird feeder. The guard fits over the pole, blocking the squirrel from climbing up. Measure your pole first to make sure it will fit. Some smaller diameter poles will not work with this type of squirrel baffle.
- Some feeders also feature built-in mini baffles to provide additional protection. These don’t tilt or tip like baffle accessories, but the do make it more difficult for squirrels to access ports.

Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeders
There are a few things you can do to ward off squirrels at your feeding stations. One of the most obvious options is to invest in squirrel-resistant bird feeders. There are a variety of design options when it comes to squirrel-resistant and squirrel proof bird feeders.
- Metal bird feeders are among the simplest option. Feeders that have an all-metal construction prevent squirrels from chewing through the reservoir to get to the seed.
- Another option is to choose a feeder with a metal cage that guards the seed reservoir. Birds can get through the gaps in the cage, while squirrels cannot.
- Perhaps the most effective option is a weight-activated bird feeder. These use weight activated perches or cages which are calibrated to support the weight of birds, but not squirrels. When squirrels try to gain access to the perches, the ports close off under their weight.
- Locking lids are another design element to look for in your bird feeders. Many of our bird feeders come equipped with a Sure-Lock™ cap or twist-lock lid to keep squirrels out.
Squirrel-Resistant Bird Seed & Food
There are certain types of bird food that squirrels love, such as sunflower seed, mixed seed, nuts, and so on. However, there are also some types that they don’t. One approach to making your bird feeders less tempting to squirrels is to fill them with their least favorite foods. These include Nyjer/thistle, millet, and safflower seed. These smaller seeds are more challenging for squirrels to eat and they don’t enjoy the taste as much as other kinds.
Unfortunately, a hungry squirrel may not be picky enough to avoid any food that will provide it with nourishment – even if it isn’t their first choice.
Another option is to make your bird seed taste spicy with cayenne pepper. Just shake this pepper powder, which you can find at a grocery store, directly onto your bird seed. Your squirrels will try it, spit it out when it torches their taste buds and start looking for another meal elsewhere. If the powder isn’t effective at first, try increasing the dosage.
Can the birds taste it? No. They don’t have the same sense of taste, so they keep eating cayenne-covered bird seed as if nothing had changed.
Be aware though – there are reports of squirrels who develop a tolerance to cayenne pepper. Others may be hungry enough that they simply don’t care how hot it tastes.
Feeding Squirrels

Of course, you may decide that all the above is just too much hard work. If you do, then there is another option – you can start feeding squirrels rather than fighting them! In fact, by providing them with their own food elsewhere, they may very well stay completely away from your hard-to-reach bird feeders.
Squirrel Foods
To do so, try offering them the seeds and nuts that they really love. Cracked corn and corn cobs are among their favorites. Cracked corn can be spread out on the ground, on a table, or offered in a hopper feeder.
Peanuts are another favorite. The easiest thing to offer squirrels are unsalted, in-the-shell peanuts. Like corn, you can place these on the ground, a table, or in a hopper-style feeder with large openings. Another idea is to teach your squirrels to take peanuts from your hand. This keeps them occupied as they wait for you.
Of course, by offering corn and peanuts, you’ll also be helping birds too. These are favorites of many species!
Squirrel Solutions
Your struggles against the squirrels raiding your bird feeders can be trying at times. Squirrels have a lot of time -- a lot more than you do – to test your bird feeders’ defenses. Sometimes they will break through, but you can stop them! It just takes some trial and error on your part.
Our ultimate advice is this: Try appreciating them as much as you appreciate the birds at your feeders. Don’t let them drive you crazy – treat your squirrel-proofing efforts as a challenge to you. You’ll have successes and failures, and so will they.
With that in mind, we wish you the best of luck in your efforts. You can beat them – and Perky-Pet® will always be here to help!
Perkypet.com is the top destination to find quality Wild Bird Feeders and Accessories. Perky-Pet® and K-Feeders wild bird products are trusted brands to bird lovers everywhere. Interact with nature, relax and build memories that last a lifetime by conveniently ordering from perkypet.com. Happy Bird Feeding!