Perky-Pet Flexport Bird Feeders Perky-Pet Flexport Bird Feeders Perky-Pet Flexport Bird Feeders


Soft rubber ports protect
seed and easily flex to
let birds feed.
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Birds Love Them

Flexports™ allow a more
natural feeding position,
so birds feel safer
A variety of wild birds feeding at a Perky-Pet Flexport Feeder A variety of wild birds feeding at a Perky-Pet Flexport Feeder

Which Means…More Birdwatching Time

Birds hang out longer since they are more comfortable.

Watch it in Action


Weather-Resistant Ports

Seed is better protected
from weather
Flexport Feeders standing up to rain and snow Flexport Feeders standing up to rain and snow
Squirrels hate the standard flexports

Standard Flexport™

Birds Love 'Em, Squirrels Hate 'Em™ 5-in-1 Benefits
  1. 1 *4X Better Shake-Resistant Ports - Squirrels Hate Us!
  2. 2 Saves MoneySeed is better protected from squirrels and weather
  3. 3 Birds Love ThemFeeding position is outside of the tube, making birds feel safer from predators
  4. 4 More BirdwatchingBirds hang out longer since they are more comfortable
  5. 5 CleanerLess spilled seed means fewer rodents

*than standard Perky-Pet® ports

Finch flexports are perfect for small finch food

Finch Flexport™

Perfect for Small Finch Food
  1. 360 degree feeding angle icon More Feeding Angles than standard finch ports. Birds love them!
  2. umbrella icon Seeds Protectedfrom weather
  3. pipe icon No Seed Cloggingflexible ports give birds better feed access
  4. double feeding position icon Double Feeding Positionsright-side up and upside down feeding

Check Out The Pioneers of Flexport™ Feeders

  Squirrel-Be-Gone Max

"Dark and
Squirrel-be-Gone® MAX
Bird Feeder

3lb Seed
4 Feeding
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  Dried Mealworm Feeder

"Little Blue" Dried Mealworm
Bird Feeder

3.5oz Mealworm
2 Feeding
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  Perky-Pet Squirrel-Be-Gone Max Bird Feeder

"The Big Guy" Squirrel-Be-Gone Max Bird Feeder

4lb Seed
4 Feeding
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  Perky-Pet Finch Feeder

"Finicky Finch's
Finch Feeder

1.5lb Seed
6 Feeding
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  Perky-Pet Squirrel-Be-Gone Max Pinecone Bird Feeder

"Squirrel's Worst Nightmare" Squirrel-Be-Gone Max Pinecone Bird Feeder

1.75lb Seed
6 Feeding
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Helpful Articles

  Squirrel stretching across a wide gap to steal food from a bird feeder How to squirrel-proof your yard
  A cardinal sitting in a tree Winter bird-feeding tips
  A variety of wild birds on a branch Identifying backyard birds at your feeders

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