Perky-Pet® Top-Fill Hummer's Favorite Glass Hummingbird Feeder - 36 oz - All Questions

Perky-Pet® Top-Fill Hummer's Favorite Glass Hummingbird Feeder - 36 oz
I bought one of these last year and loved it.............until this year. Now it leak around the base where the 2 pieces fit together. I have tried everything short of gluing the 2 pieces together. Before I realized I would have an issue I did buy another and it is not leaking. Perky Pet.....what is the solution. Surely this feeder lasts more than one year!
Question by: Sue Ruzicka on May 5, 2023, 6:37 PM
We recommend disabling and reassembling the feeder, making sure all connections are tight. If the feeder is still leaking, please contact us directly. The feeder is backed by a one-year replacement policy.
Answer by: Susan (Admin) on May 9, 2023, 10:49 AM